Thursday, September 30, 2004

Catherine (O'Connor) Darst 1835-1895

Catherine (O'Connor) Darst (1835-1895), the wife of William Darst (1824-1891) ... former Oregon State Legislator.
DARST. ---- At the home of her sister, Mrs. O'Brien, near Independence, Monday, June 24, 1895, at 4 p.m., Mrs. Catherine Darst, aged about 60 years.
Deceased was the widow of Hon. William Darst, a former member of the Oregon legislature and a citizen of prominence and worth in the Gervais neighborhood for many years, he and his wife being pioneers in this county. He died about two years ago. They accumulated considerable property and she doed possessed of a nice personal estate. They had no direct heirs. She left a will, bequeathing it to her sisters and other relatives, and appointing Rev. J. S. White and Hon. A. Bush of this city executors.
The body will be brought to Gervais this afternoon and the funeral will take place from the Catholic church there Wednesday morning.

Tuesday 25 JUN 1895 - Daily Statesman, Salem, Oregon

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

William Darst 1824-1891

William Darst (1824-1891); the son of David Darst (1788-1860); the son of Paul Darst (1763-1826); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant ... a former Oregon State Legislator.
DARST. ---- At his home in Gervais, at 2 p.m., Friday, July 17, 1891, of Liver complaint, Wm. Darst, aged 67 years.
Deceased was one of Oregon's pioneers, having come to the coast from the Missouri valley in 1847. He settled on French prairie and two years later joined the large number excited by the discovery of gold in California and removed to that state, where he remained a few years. But he soon returned to Oregon, taking up his home on French prairie, where he made his home.
Mr. Darst was a prominent man in the politics of this county, having twice served his constituency in the hall of representatives, to which seat he was last elected in 1872. He served for many years as justice of the peace and during a useful life laid by a fortune of fifty or sixty thousand dollars. He leaves a wife, but no children. The remains will be buried at Gervais on Monday afternoon.

Saturday 18 JUL 1891 - Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Charles Paul Darst 1874-1930

Charles Paul Darst (1874-1930), the son of Paul Darst (1819-1874), Oregon Pioneer.
Slayton -- Charles Paul Darst, 56, passed away at the Slayton hospital Tuesday following a paralytic stroke on August 4, 1930.
Darst has spent his entire life on the farm near Sublimity where he and two sisters have lived since the parents died many years ago. Parthena Darst died August 17, 1929.
He leaves one sister Phidelia Darst of Sublimity.
The funeral will be held at the Weddle funeral chapel Thursday morning at 10 o'clock with burial at Rocky Point.
Members of the Elks Lodge of Salem will act as pallbearers.

Wednesday 13 AUG 1930 - Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon

Monday, September 27, 2004

Cindarella (Phillips) Darst 1842-1926

Cindarella Lucinda (Phillips) Darst (1842-1926), the wife of Paul Darst (1819-1874) dies at 84.
Mrs. Cinderilla Phillips Darst
Dies on January 29,
Age 84 Years
Mrs. Cinderilla Phillips Darst, a pioneer woman of 1857, passed away at the farm house two and one half miles north of Sublimity on Thursday, January 29,, at the age of 84 years.
Mrs. Darst was born in 1842 and came west with her parents in 1857, crossing the plains by ox team, and endured many of the hardships known only to those early pioneer families. In 1861 she was married to Paul Darst, who also crossed the plains by ox team.
She and her husband lived one year in California, then came to Oregon and settled on the donation land claim where she has since resided. Mr. Darst having passed beyond in 1874.
Sixty-four of her sixty-five years of married life was spent in the home where she passed away. She was the mother of four children, three of whom survive her. They are miss Phidelia Darst, Miss Parthelia Darst and Charles Darst, all residing at the home near Sublimity. She also leaves three brothers, J. C. Phillips, J. J. Phillips and Riley Phillips, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Casteel.
Funeral services were held from the Weddle mortuary in Slayton on Friday at 1:30 o'clock and the remains taken to Rock Point cemetery where they were laid at rest beside those of her husband. The many beautiful floral pieces showed the respect and esteem in which this worthy pioneer woman was held by her neighbors and friends.

Sunday 31 JAN 1926 - Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Paul Darst, Continued

This from the Portrait and Biographical Record of the Willamette Valley, 1903...
PAUL DARST. For the history of Paul Darst, one of the most interesting and worthy of the early Oregon pioneers, we herewith acknowledge indebtedness to the able article prepared by his brother, William, at the request of members of the Oregon Pioneer Association. As the sole survivor of a little party of three who traversed the palins comparatively alone in 1847, and as the later associate of his brother in many of his worthy undertakings, Mr. Darst is qualified to speak disinterestedly and to the point, and he is probably the only one of whom absolutely reliable information could be obtained at the present time.
Paul Darst was born in Gallia county, Ohio, September 28, 1819, and when eight years of age removed with his father, David, to Hocking county, of the same state, going in the fall of 1838 to Vermillion county, Ill. In the fall of 1840 they took up their residence in Henry county, Iowa, and when Paul was twenty-one years of age he started out to make his own living at farm work, continuing thus until the spring of 1847. During a portion of this time he worked on farms in Dade county, Mo., returning then to Iowa, where, in the spring of 1847, he prepared to cross the plains, accompanied by his brother William and John Morley. This small party, with their one wagon and team of oxen, started away from home and kindred April 7, 1847, and, continuing their way westward to within a few miles of St. Joseph, Mo., there camped on a river called One Hundered and Two. The 7th of May they crossed the Missouri river into the Indian country, and after traveling for a few days joined what was known as the Davidson party, of whom Albert Davidson was the capable guide, he having been to Oregon on a previous occasion. In the company were about forty-seven wagons, and Paul Darst and his friends joined them, traveling as far as Ash Hollow. There the company divided into three parts, Mr. Darst and his two companions and wagon becoming a part of the Louisa company, consisting of seventeen wagons. Arriving at the Powder river, the Louisa party also divided, and the Darst party became members of a small company of four wagons. Crossing over the Cascade mountains, they came to the new Barlow road, which had but recently been opened to the public, the toll on this thoroughfare being $5 for a wagon and team, and ten cents a head for stock. This little party arrived on the Clackamas river, a short distance below Oregon City, September 7, 1847, just four months from the time of leaving St. Joseph, on the Missouri river, and five months from the time of leaving Mount Pleasant, Henry county, Iowa.
After resting on the Clackamas river for two or three days, the four wagons proceeded up the Willamette valley on the east side, and along what might be called the mountain road. They passed the present site of Silverton, in the eastern part of Marion county, and on to the Waldo Hills country near the town of Sublimity. Here the party broke up, and as there was plenty of vacant land all around in this section nearly every man availed himself of the opportunity and became an independent landowner. Mr. Darst located on the claim which he afterward sold to George W. Hunt for $100, and the same became famous for its fine stock, and was later the site of the Whiteaker postoffice. This early settler took part in the Abaqua river war, which contest has often been questioned, but which, according to an eye witness, William Darst, was quite a momentous struggle. In February or March, 1848, in the eastern part of Marion county, and on the Abaqua river, the Indians became very troublesome, and Paul Darst and some of his companions went forth to meet them in mortal combat. William Darst and his friends arrived at the home of John Warnock too late to engage in the conflict, and were unable to follow because the deep snow covered up their tracks. When the party returned they reported that the Indians had been routed, some being killed, while the Indian wives and children were taken prisoners, as were also the horses and cattle. However, this wholesale capture were merely a ruse, and was used to induce the Indians to permanently abandon the county, whereupon their wives, children and cattle were turned over to them. To this day, in the estimation of William Darst, they have never since interfered with the peace of mind of any of the residents of Marion county. The whole party followed the red men to the Santiam river and saw them cross over, never to return.
Until 1849 Paul Darst worked on his original Oregon claim, and then went to the gold mines of California, making the journey on a sailing vessel, for passage upon which he paid $60 in the steerage from Portland to San Francisco. On the Yuba river he worked in the mines until about October 1st, and then, owing to impaired health, he returned to Oregon with about $1,500. Thereafter he worked on his claim until the passage of the donation law by congress, and he then sold his land, and in the vicinity purchased three hundred and twenty acres of deeded land. This was the eastern half of the claim of David Simpson and wife, about two and one-half miles north of Sublimity, in Marion county. Here he started in a second time to make his agricultural fortune, a task appreciated only by those who have cleared land in Oregon and assiduously worked for its cultivation. He was also a carpenter of much ability, and in connection with the management of his farm accomplished considerable building in his neighborhood and in California. For some years he was also engaged in teaching school in the neighborhood where he resided. In 1852 he was elected assessor of Marion county, and according to his brother William, assessed the whole of the county without any help whatsoever. This was an enormous task even in those early days, in order to make the return in the time required by law. In 1856 he volunteered in the Yakima Indian war, and of his service Col. George K. Shiel says: "Paul Darst enlisted about the 1st of January, 1856, in the second company raised by Marion county, E. J. Harding captain, for the recruited battalion of the First Regiment of Oregon Mounted Volunteers, in the Indian war of 1855-56, Col. Thomas Cornelius commanding." Mr. Darst remained with the command until it was mustered out of service some time in May, 1856, and, according to the colonel, had a very hard time of it. Their extremity may be imagined when it is known that for two or three weeks they were obliged to subsist solely upon horse meat and wild onions.
After the war Mr. Darst returned to his farm and combined farming and carpentering, and in 1857 was again elected assessor of Marion county. In the meantime the country had grown to such an extent and was so much more thickly settled that it was impossible for him to cover the whole county in the time required by law. Up to this time he had been a staunch Democrat but with the beginning of the Cival War he espoused the cause of the north. October 24, 1861, he married Cindarella Phillips, a young woman of about twenty, and together they commenced housekeeping on the donation claim. Mrs. Darst was not blessed with good health and in the fall of 1866 she went with her husband to California, remaining for about a year. Returning to the Oregon farm all went well until the 1st of April, 1874, when Mr. Darst was stricken with apoplexy. Following the custom of his time for all complaints the physician bled his patient in the arm and brought on paralysis of the right side. Gradually Mr. Darst grew worse, continually lost strength and at last failed to respond to remedies administered. April 23rd his spirit left its earthly house, and he was buried not far distant from where he had come and gone and labored for so many years in the Downing settlement, about fourteen miles from Salem. A short time after his death a son was born to his wife, and thus three children were left fatherless, and a wife was left without her chief consoler and greatest strength. The son was called Charles Paul, and at present he is managing the home farm of five hundred and twenty acres for his mother. Of the daughters, Fidelia, is the postmistress of Whiteaker, and Parthenia is living at home. Mr. Darst was a man of force of character, of untiring industry and good business judgement, as evidenced by his possession of eight hundred acres of land. As reminders of a sterling pioneer, and as the possessors of abilities and admirable characteristics of their own, the household enjoys an enviable place in the community.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Paul Darst 1819-1874

Paul Darst (1819-1874); the son of David Darst (1788-1860); the son of Paul Darst (1763-1826); the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772), migrated west over The Oregon Trail to the Willamette Valley of Oregon.
PAUL DARST --- 1847
(Source: "Willamette Valley, Oregon, Biographies," by Chapman Publishing Co., and the Author's Memory.)
Among the early school teachers of the Willamette Valley was a young man named Paul Darst. He was born in Gallia County, Ohio. He was the son of David Darst and after he reached his majority he worked as a farm hand and went to Illinois and Iowa and even to Missouri, in turn, making his own way.
Returning to Iowa in 1847, he prepared to go to far-off Oregon. Accompanied by his brother, William Darst, and John Morley, they started from Iowa on April 7. They went as far as the One Hundred and Two river in Missouri, near St. Joseph, where they camped for a few weeks. On May 7 they crossed the Missouri river into the Indian country. Between the three men they had one wagon and a team of oxen. After traveling a while, in this lonesome fashion, they joined the Davidson party, under the guidance of Albert Davidson, who had made a trip to Oregon previous to this and was well qualified as captain. This company, comprising forty-seven wagons, journeyed on to Ash Hollow.
It was not always possible for men to travel together harmoniously, so at this place the company divided, the Darst wagon joining the Louisa party as far as the Powder river. Here the company again divided and the Darsts found themselves of a small company of only four wagons to make their way over the Cascade mountains and to the Barlow road, that had but recently been completed around the base of Mt. Hood. Here they found the toll was $5 per wagon and 10 cents a head for all stock.
On September 7, just four months from the day they crossed the Missouri river near St. Joseph, they camped on the Clackamas river in the Willamette Valley, and not far from Oregon City. After a rest of a few days they followed up this valley by way of what would now be called the mountain road, passing the location of the present thriving little city of Silverton and then on to the Waldo hills.
Mr. Darst's brother settled on the Clackamas river, but Mr. Morley and Paul Darst found settlement in the above-named hills, Mr. Morley's donation land claim being about midway between the town of Silverton and Sublimity. further south, while Mr. Darst, being anxious to become a landowner, filed on a claim near Sublimity where he built a cabin. Much of the time for a few years he spent teaching school and the writer's mother was among his earliest pupils, in a log school house in an adjoining neighborhood.
Mr. Darst was a powerfully built man of more than ordinary ability, rather of the sterner type and not given to much foolishness.
Deciding to go to the mines in California, about 1851, Mr. Darst sold his rights to his donation land claim to George W. Hunt, receiving $100 for the same. Mr. Hunt afterward developed this claim into one of the finest stock farms of the Willamette Valley.
Mr. Darst took passage on a sailing vessel for California, paying $60 for a berth in the steerage from Portland to San Francisco. He worked his claim on the Yuba river with good success, and in October of that year returned with $1500 and bought three hundred and twenty acres of land from William Simpson. On this farm he made his home until his death from apoplexy on April 1, 1874.
Mr. Darst was in the Indian battle of the Abiqua in 1848; he also enlisted in the volunteers to fight Yakima Indians in 1856, with E. J. Harding as captain. During this expedition this company of volunteers were reduced to a diet of horse meat and wild onions for several weeks.
Aside from the time spent teaching school, Mr. Darst also worked as a carpenter and built one of the most substanial houses on his own farm of any in the county. This old home is still in use by his family, after a lapse of over fifty years since his death.
In 1852 Mr. Darst was elected assessor of Marion county and completed the stupendous task of assessing the county's wealth in the allotted time, without extra help. Again in 1857 he was elected to fill the same office which he did in a creditable manner.
Up until the Cival War, Mr. Darst was a staunch democrat, but at that time he espoused the cause of the north.
On October 24, 1861, he was married to Lucinda Phillips, the daughter of John Phillips, an early pioneer of 1858, of the Union hill country. Three children blessed this union: Phydelia and Parthenia; a son, Charles Paul, was born shortly after Mr. Darst died.
Mrs. Darst continued to live on their farm, until, at the ripe old age of 80, she passed on to meet her husband. The family are residing on the farm at this writing.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Hortis Everett Shaver 1878-1969

Hortis Everett Shaver (1878-1969), the husband of Millie Clarbelle Ely (1881-1966) and daughter of William Taylor Shaver (1846-1907) and Cynthia Anne Darst (1850-1922) died at Gallipolis...
Hortie E. Shaver
CHESHIRE ---- Hortie E. Shaver, 91, of Cheshire Route 1, died Friday in Holzer Medical Center.
Services will be conducted Sunday, 1 p.m. at the Miller Funeral Home by the Rev. L. L. Roush. Burial will be in Gravel Hill Cemetery, Cheshire.
Born in Cheshire Twp., Mr. Shaver was a son of the late William and Cynthia Darst Shaver. A founder and former member of the board of directors of the Gallia County Produce Co. at Gallipolis, he was a retired farmer. He was a member of the Church of Christ and the Masons of Cheshire.
Survivors include five sons, Charles, a teacher at Gallia Academy High School; Stanley of Cheshire; Gilbert and Hortis both of Cincinnati, and Howard of Swanton, Ohio; a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Starcher, Grand Forks, N.D.; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.
Friends may call at the funeral home.

Sunday 26 OCT 1969 - The Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Cynthia Anne Darst 1850-1922

Cynthia Anne Darst (1850-1922); the daugter of James M. Darst (1824-1898); the son of Joseph Darst (1792-1869); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant... managed to get herself lost just months before her wedding to William Taylor Shaver (1846-1907).
---- The Ironton Journal says: The young lady --- Miss Cynthia Darst --- who left home on Saturday, the 17th ult., in Gallia County, to go to an uncle's a few miles away, took the wrong road, and was lost for four days, wandering through the woods. She had at one time strayed to near Athens, where she came to a house and was put on the right road to Gallipolis.

13 MAY 1869 - Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Mildred Darst Dies Friday

Was Graduate of Middleport High School;
22 Years Old.

MIDDLEPORT, Aug, 25 ---- Miss Mildred Darst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Darst, who has been in failing health for some time, but not in a condition thought to be serious, was taken ill Thursday night with acute indigestion. She died about 9 o'clock Friday morning.

Miss Darst was born and reared in Middleport and was a graduate of M. H. S. in the class of 1924. She was 22 years of age.

Miss Darst recently went into the bakery business at her home in a small way and was establishing herself in a promising manner.

The funeral will be held at the Christian church, of which she was a member, Sunday afternoon.

She leaves her parents, one sister, Dorothy, and two brothers, David and Robert.

Sunday 26 AUG 1928 - The Sunday Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Many Attend Services For Miss
Mildred Darst Sunday.
MIDDLEPORT, Aug 27 ---- The funeral service for Miss Mildred Darst was held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Christian church. The pastor, the Rev. Fred I. Gardner preached the funeral sermon.
A profusion of flowers from friends, various classes of the Bible school and church attested the high regard in which Miss Darst was held. Six of her close girl friends acted as pall-bearers. The funeral was largely attended. Burial was made in Beech Grove cemetery, Pomeroy.

Monday 27 AUG 1928 - The Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Mildred Darst 1905-1928

Mildred Darst (1905-1928); the daughter of David Ernest Darst (1882-aft 1930); the son of Iva Darst (1862-bef 1900); the daughter of David Darst (1825-1897); the son of David Darst (1788-1860); the son of Paul Darst (1763-1826); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Darst, Middleport, entertained at a 6 o'clock dinner Wednesday evening in honor of their daughter, Mildred. This was Miss Darst's birthday. The color scheme of red and white was prettily carried out. Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented Miss Darst. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitlock, Kathryn Petty, Carl Thomas, and James Martin.

Friday 4 FEB 1927 - The Athens Messemger, Athens, Ohio

Cookies, Rolls, And Bread Are Included
In Her Sales.
MIDDLEPORT, July 26. ---- There is something about a new industry in Middleport that removes it from crash big business circles to a more romantic or human setting. It presents a picture of a young woman, Miss Mildred Darst, graduate of the high school in the class of '24, happy in an enterprise of her own with great possibilities. It is, however, no substitute for hard work. Miss Darst says.
First came the idea and then a cook stove with an oven large enough to take 16 ten-cent loaves of bread at one time. Miss Darst works daily at her business. Her score last Saturday was 48 loaves of bread, several dozen buns and a lot of cookies. Her little business is growing rapidly.
The item above proves how there is room for enterprise on every hand that is being overlooked in every community.

Thursday 286 JUL 1928 - The Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Monday, September 20, 2004

Samuel Lessie Darst 1903-1979

Samuel Lessie Darst (1903-1979); the son of Charles Wellington Darst (1879-1964); the son of Samuel Winton Darst (1848-1924); the son of William Darst (1820-1886); the son of Joseph Darst (1792-1869); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant.
Pupil Walkout
Protests Order
Lakeview Students
Desert Classes
(Special to the Lima News)
LAKEVIEW, May 6, --- An undetermined number of students of the Lakeview school left classes here Friday afternoon apparently to protest an order by Supt. S. L. Darst.
John Stanfield, Bellefontaine, Logan-co school superintendent, said Saturday morning he was investigating the situation and was awaiting further word from Darst.
The Lakeview superintendent was in Springfield Saturday morning with a group of students and could not be reached.
STANFIELD SAID preliminary investigation had revealed that the pupils apparently disapproved of an order from Darst banning students from the school building after school hours unless authorized by a faculty member. Darst issued the order, Stanfield said, because several windows in the building had been broken recently.

Saturday 6 MAY 1950 - The Lima News, Lima, Ohio

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Warren A. Darst 1848-1933

Warren A. Darst (1848-1933); the son of Jonathan Darst (1821-1902); the son of John Darst (1772-1860); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant.
Member of Big Four of Ohio Northern
University Answers the
Final Summons.
Prof. Warren Darst, at one time teacher of English literature and philosophy at Ohio Northern University, at Ada, died at Wilmette, Illinois, at the age of 85 years. He was known to many Van Wert county residents and others throughout Ohio as one of "The Big Four" of Ohio Northern, which was composed of Prof. Darst, H. S. Lehr, J. G. Park and Frederick Maglott, who were the owners of the old Northwestern Ohio Normal School, which later was acquired by the Methodist Episcopal Church and became Ohio Northern University.

Monday 4 DEC 1933 - The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Isaac Darst 1823- aft 1880

Isaac Darst (1823-aft 1880); the son of Isaac Darst (1787-1832); the son of Samuel Derst (1754-1791); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant, could be at times unneighborly...
Another very exciting scene occured in the neighborhood of Louis Bibel's near Bloomington, in which Issac Darst and John Enlow played the first act of the drama. The difficulty grew out of a dispute about a hedge fence, one wanting to cut the hedge down while the other objected. It appears that Darst had began cutting the hedge and Enlow came up and interfered. Some very angry words were used, and finally blows struck, in which Darst got the worst of the racket. He felled the hedge and called on his son to kill Enlow with a hedge-knife, which he held in his hand. About this time a man and a colored woman appeared upon the scene, and took the knife away from the boy, thus preventing what might have been a very bloody conflict.

Monday 13 MAR 1880 - The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois

Friday, September 17, 2004

Elizabeth (Garlinger) Darst 1800-1890

Elizabeth (Garlinger) Darst (1800-1890), the wife of Martin Darst (1796-1880); the son of Philip Derst (ca1750-ca1800); the son of John Paul Derst (1713-1775), our Pfeddersheim immigrant.
And Rich in Good Deeds. Mrs. Elizabeth Darst Departs Life Here.
At 3 a.m. today, Mrs. Elizabeth Darst, an esteemed and beloved lady, departed her useful life at the home of her son-in-law, Captain John Stasel, south of town.
She had reached the advanced age of 90 years and her death was due to the infirmities of ripe years. Mrs. Darst was born in Virginia in 1800, where she passed the youthful and sunny portion of her life. She removed to this county several years ago and it was here that nine years since, she mourned the death of her affectionate husband.
Mrs. Darst leaves seven grown children, now living, of which Mrs. Benj Hazelton, Mrs. Andrew Vogel, Mrs. Capt John Stasel and Mr. John Darst, reside in this city and the remainder live in the west.
She was a christian lady, a member of the English Lutheran church, who, until within the days of her infirmities, led an active life in the church, with which she had identified herself. Many have been the precepts and kind advices given by her to friends and children, and in her death, will be sadly missed.
The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon, probably at her late home, and Rev C. W. Sifferd, of the English Lutheran church will officiate.

Tuesday 2 DEC 1890 - Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Edgar Edward Darst 1890-1963

Edgar Edward Darst (1890-1963); the son of John Garlinger Darst (1833-1913); the son of Martin Darst (1796-1880); the son of Philip Derst (ca1750-ca1800); the son of John Paul Derst (1713-1775), our Pfeddersheim immigrant.
Burned With Gun Powder
Edgar, the little five-year old son of John G. Darst, was the victim of a frightful accident yesterday afternoon. The little fellow was engaged at play with another little boy and in some manner they got hold of a can of gun powder, and in handling it, the powder suddenly exploded, badly burning the Darst boy's face. A physician was quickly on hand and attended to the little fellow's injuries.

Saturday 23 OCT 1897 - The Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Bessie A. Darst, Lotto Winner

Bessie A. Darst, the wife of Thomas Ray Darst (1926- ); the son of Presley Thomas Darst (1902-1978); the son of Simon Howard Darst (1876-1957); the son of John William Darst (1848-1926); the son of Jacob Darst (1821-1906); the son of Daniel Darst (ca1790-ca1826), the grandson of our Pfeddersheim immigrant John Paul Derst (1713-1775).
Lottery Winner
To Quit Work
CLEVELAND (AP) ---- "I'm flabbergasted, just flabbergasted," said Bessie A. Darst of Middleport after winning the top prize Thursday in the Ohio Lottery's Buckeye 1,000 contest.
Mrs. Darst, 37, said one of the first things she's going to do is quit her job as a meat wrapper in a Middleport supermarket. She added that she'll use her winnings to pay bills, remodel her house and perhaps take a trip to Florida.
The mother of a 10-year-old son and herself the oldest of 11 children, Mrs. Darst said her blind father was listening to the telecast of the drawing at home.
As the winner she will receive $1,000 a month for life and is guaranteed $400,000.

Friday 27 FEB 1976 - Mansfield News Journal, Mansfield, Ohio

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Rose Marie Darst 1897-1945

Rose Marie Darst (1897-1945); the daughter of Frank A. Darst (1862-1942); the son of Duncan P. Darst (1837-1927); the son of Samuel Darst (1808-1870); the son of Peter Darst (1759-1843); the son of John Paul Derst (1713-1775), our Pfeddersheim immigrant, was an artist and educator.
Miss Rose Darst, Art Professor
and Fraternity Officer Dies.
DELAWARE, June 2 --- Miss Rose Marie Darst of Radnor died Friday morning at Grant hospital in Columbus. She was a professor in the art department at Kansas State College and was formerly an instructor at Purdue university. She was national secretary of Delta Phi Delta art fraternity. She formerly attended Ohio Wesleyan university.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the home. Burial will be made in the Radnor cemetery. The body will be taken to the resident by the Morrison Funeral Home of Delaware where friends may call after 11 a.m. Sunday.

Tuesday 2 JUN 1945 - The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio

Monday, September 13, 2004

Alonzo Luther Darst 1937-1967

Alonzo Luther Darst (1937-1967); the son of Delmer J. Darst (1916-1966); the son of Ray Darst (1890-1971); the son of Benjamin Franklin Darst (1857-1926); the son of David Darst (1821-1909); the son of John Darst (1772-1860); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim immigrant, did not survive the Silver Bridge collapse ...
3 More Bodies Found
In Silver Bridge Crash
POINT PLEASANT, W. Va. (AP) --- Three more bodies have been recovered from the Ohio River here at the site of the collapse of the Silver Bridge during rush hour traffic Dec. 15.
The total of known victoms is 39 with seven other persons still missing.
The three bodies recovered over the weekend were identified as Albert E. Adler Jr., 31, of Gallipolis, Ohio, and Alonzo Darst 30, of Cheshire, Ohio, and Harold Cundiff, about 38, of Winston-Salem, N.C.

Monday 22 JAN 1968 - The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Joseph Ernest Darst 1898-1981

Joseph Ernest Darst (1898-1981); the son of Henry Thomas Darst (1870-1942); the son of Robert Able Darst (1831-1909); the son of Daniel Darst (1793-1840); the son of John Paul Darst (1753-1815); the son of John Paul Derst (1714-1775), our Pfeddersheim immigrant was guilty of reckless driving...
Prisoner Makes Getaway Following
Hearing on Charges
of Reckless Driving
Joe Darst, a Kentuckian, is being held in Marion County Jail today, following his arraignment yesterday before Mayor Washburn of Morral, on charges of reckless driving and leaving an auto wrecked. Darst pleaded not guilty to the charges and was bound over to the grand jury under a bond of $1,000, which he failed to provide.
Charges against Darst were filed three weeks ago by J. J. Rudd of Morral. Rudd alleges that Darst was driving the automobile which struck his car at Morral. Occupants of the Rudd car suffered minor injuries, according to reports, but Darst failed to stop at the scene of the accident after the wreck occured, Rudd charged.
Officers at Morral began an investigation and finally arrested Darst Thursday.
A wild chase is reported to have followed the hearing when Darst is said to have broken away from the Morral marshal and led villagers in a mile run before being captured and brought to jail here.

Saturday 14 AUG 1926 - The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio

Saturday, September 11, 2004

James Alva Dust 1884-1940

James Alva Dust (1884-1940); the son of Henderson Dust (1839- ); the son of Michael Jacob Dust (1800-1881); the son of David Darst (1775-1814, my great-great-great grandfather); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) died a tragic death ...
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dust
of Eversonville Killed In An
Accident Here Late Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. James Alva Dust, long time residents of Eversonville, were killed instantly Saturday evening about 5:30 o'clock when their 1928 Cheverolet sedan collided with a large trailer type truck driven by Robert Terrill of Kansas City at the east intersection of highways 36 and 65 at the wye south of Chillicothe.
At the impact of the two vehicles both Mr. and Mrs. Dust were thrown from the car and their bodies were crushed badly. Mrs. Dust's right arm was torn off, being caught under the bed of the truck, and her neck and one leg were broken. Among other injuries, Mr. Dust had a fractured skull.
Members of the State Highway Patrol stated that the transport truck was going west toward Kansas City on highway 36 and that the Dusts were leaving highway 65, heading toward the east on highway 36. Before the truck and car came to a standstill, the bed of the truck, loaded with about ten tons of merchandise, landed on top of the car and smached it. The car stopped in the middle of the highway and the truck cab went over the south bank of the highway, falling into a culvert. The much battered trailer stayed half on the road, still connected to the cab-tractor.
Terrill, driver of the truck, was still at the wheel of his machine when the wreck was over. He felt sore in a few places, he told people at the scene, but did not believe he was seriously hurt. One highway patrolman expressed belief this morning that Terrill was worse injured than the man wanted to believe. A report came at noon that he was in a Kansas City hospital with a shoulder injury and possibly some broked ribs.
It was almost an hour after the accident that Mrs. Dust's arm could be recovered from under the truck and taken along with the body to the Smiley Funeral Home in Wheeling where both bodies were prepared for burial.
Funeral services were held this afternoon from the Parson Creek Church, near Eversonville, with burial in the church cemetery.
Alva Dust was a barber and paper-hanger in Eversonville and he and his wife lived in the house in which he was born, on a farm at the edge of Eversonville, on November 7, 1884. Mrs. Dust, the former May Perry, was born in Linn county on October 11, 1883.
Two children survive the couple. They are Edward Dust of Dawn, who arrived at the scene of the accident just a few minutes after it occured, and Mrs. Don Ewing of Wheeling. Mrs. Dust has one brother, Frank Perry of Linneus. There are three grandchildren.
Dr. Clarence Grace, coroner, stated today he plans to call an inquest as soon as Terrill is able to be present.

Monday 3 JUN 1940 - The Chillicothe Constitution, Chillicothe, Missouri

Friday, September 10, 2004

Charles Phillip Darst 1815-1888

Charles Phillip Darst (1815-1888); the son of Isaac Darst (1787-1832); the son of Samuel Derst (1754-1791); the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) .
Charles Darst tried to kill his wife Sunday night with a poker. He is seventy years old and blind as a bat. The old man lives on Chicago street and by the request of his relatives he was examined by a commission in lunacy yesterday afternoon and adjudged insane.

Tuesday 16 JUN 1885 - The Daily Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Victoria Lynn Durst 1948-

Victoria Lynn Durst, daughter of Sheldon Harris Durst (1927- ) who was the son of Wade Sheldon Durst (1890-1966); the son of John Wesley Durst (1859-1923, my great-great uncle); the son of Daniel Durst (1812-1875); the son of David Darst (1775-1814); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822) the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) was involved in a controversial child custody case...

Child Custody Case
to Supreme Court

DES MOINES AP--- A controversy over the custody of 8-year-old Victoria Lynn Durst was appealed to the Iowa Supreme Court Wednesday.

Contenders are her father, Sheldon Durst, a Newton policeman, and his mother and her present husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Roach of near Clarinda. The Roaches have the child, although her custody was given to her father at the time the Durst's were divorced in 1949.

The Jasper County District Court granted Durst a writ of Habeas corpus, giving him the custody of the child. The Roaches appealed.

Durst claims he should have custody of the girl because the divorce court so ruled, and because he now has remarried and can make a home for her. The Roaches, who said Durst voluntarily placed the child with them, contend that the child's welfare would best be served in the Roach home.

17 SEP 1953 - Council Bluffs Iowa Nonpareil, Coucil Bluffs, Iowa

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Harry Kenneth Darst, Jr 1943-

Harry Kenneth Darst, Jr (1943- ); the son of Harry Kenneth Darst (1915- ); the son of Benjamin Franklin Darst (1866-1962); the son of George Nathaniel Darst (1841-1913); the son of Elijah Darst (1817-1876); the son of Benjamin Darst (1793-1842); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) seeks a return to country life...
Family Moves To Save
Sanity, Money, Energy
ALEXANDRIA, Ohio (UPI) --- A Licking County family which gave up the city life to exist off the land is recycling horse manure and the sun's heat to provide energy for their country home.
Harry K. Darst, Jr., who abandoned his "rat race" draftsman job to move his wife and child to the country, has devised a methane gas maker to produce cooking fuel and a solar energy water heater.
Horse manure produces the methane gas in an odorless contraption made of three steel drums, a hoist, some tubing and water, he said.
Manure and water are placed in a 40-gallon drum, which is set inside a large barrel filled with water near to the rim of the smaller drum. Then another medium-sized drum hooked to a small hoist is suspended upside down into the water so air cannot leak into the smaller drum and mix with the methane.
When the manure produces too much gas, Darst said, it escapes by bubbling through the jacket of water.
The family's stove is hooked to a large drum, and the holes on the stove burner enlarged to allow enough methane through to ignite.
Methane burns at a lower temperature than natural gas, Darst said, but it is hot enough for cooking family meals.
The family's solar water heater is moderately successful, Darst said. He placed a wooden box inside the back of an old refrigerator, which was lined with 21 feet of copper pipe, painted black to absorb heat. Well water runs through the pipe to a tank placed in the upstairs of the family home.
The heat from the sun's rays radiates through the pipes to warm the water stored in the tank.
The experimentation with new energy sources is all part of the family's new life style, Darst said.
They raise enough bees, chickens, goats, fish and garden vegetables to survive off the land. Darst and his wife, Susan, take turns working off-farm in the winter months.

Tuesday 27 AUG 1974 - The Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, Ohio

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Andrew J. Darst 1916-1962

Andrew J. Darst (1916-1962); the son of Ralph L. Darst (1880-1956); the son of Cyrus Darst (1846-1911); the son of Eli A. Darst (1813--1901); the son of Jacob Darst (1785-1836); the son of Abraham Darst (1745-1822); the son of our Pfeddersheim immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) took a life while practicing poor judgement... like many other Americans when it came to drinking and driving.
Reading Can Cut
Jail Sentence
In Fatal Mishap
SEATTLE (AP) --- A death car driver can cut his 12-month jail sentence in half by reading certain books and turning in acceptable book reports.
Superior Court Judge Frank B. Royal in imposing sentence Friday on Andrew J. Darst, 44, said Darst should get a concept of "what life is all about, and what rights human beings have."
Clergymen and the American Legion will help pick the books.
Darst pleaded guilty to negligent homicide in a collision last year in which Teresa Tate, 2, daughter of John H. Tate, 25, of Seattle, was killed.
Judge Royal granted Darst three years' probation on condition he serve 12 months in jail, less one month off for each two acceptable book reviews up to a total of six months, and that he make restitution payments to the Tate family.

Saturday 26 NOV 1960 - Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Monday, September 06, 2004

Doris M. Drury 1926-1999

Doris M. Drury (1926-1999), daughter of Ursula Pearl (Darst) Drury (1904-2002) whose great-great-great grandfather was John Paul Derst (1713-1775) our Pfeddersheim immigrant, was outstanding in her field of endeavor:
Doris M. Drury, who opened the door for Colorado women to get bank loans in the late 1970's and was the first female chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, has died. She was 72.
Drury was a longtime professor at the University of Denver and Regis University, educating several of today's Colorado bank presidents and vice presidents.
Drury, who died Tuesday, served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank in Denver in 1979 and 1980. She was a board member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City from 1980 to 1984 and was its first female chair.
"My concern is not that I'm the first, but that I'm not the last," she said at the time.
She was a prominent member of the DU faculty for more than two decades. A generation of students learned about money and banking from her as professor of economics from 1965 to 1989.
"I continue to run into people who took her classes. Her influence was quite large in that respect," said Bill Kendall, vice president of the Center for Business and Economic Forecasting, of which Drury was president. "For a woman of her generation, her influence in banking was very significant. She was a member of a number of corporate boards and for many of them, she was the first woman on the board."
A memorial mass will be celebrated 1 p.m. Tuesday at All Souls Catholic Church, 4950 S. Logan St., Englewood, by the Rev. Michael Sheeran, president of Regis University.
She was the first female full professor at DU, serving as chair of the economics department, the chair of the public affairs program and director of the division of research at the school of business. She was named an Outstanding Educator in America in 1972 and 1973. Drury was director of the master of business administration program at Regis University from 1990 to 1997.
She was born Nov. 18, 1926, in Louisville, Ky. She earned a doctorate in economics from Indiana University in Bloomington, and a master's of business administration and a bachelor's in economics from the University of Louisville.
She was a founding director of The Women's Bank, now Colorado Business Bank, which opened in 1978 to help women get loans without husbands or fathers as co-signers. It was considered to be one of the most successful banks of its kind in the country.
"She was one of the founders of this bank and one of its missions was to help women be accepted into the mainstream," bank President Virginia Berkeley said. "Women in Denver were being denied credit because of their gender."
She was on the board of Premier Bank of Denver and served as a board member of the Public Service Company of Colorado until 1997. She served on the Governor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Economics Growth and the Colorado Insurance Board and was a consultant for the Employment and Standards Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor.

March 20, 1999 - The Denver Post, Denver, Colorado

Sunday, September 05, 2004

John Charles Darst 1861-1961

John Charles Darst (1861-1961), the son of Benjamin F. Darst (1838-1901), the grandson of REV John Darst (1790-1875), the great-grandson of Samuel Derst (1754-1791) and great-great grandson of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim, Germany immigrant ... lived to the advanced age of 100 and operated a motor vehicle until the ripe old age of 97!
Ohioan Sports
New Driver's
License at 99
DAYTON, Ohio (AP) --- John Charles Darst has a new Ohio driver's license even though he doesn't drive anymore -- hasn't for two years.
"Not that I couldn't drive right now as well as the next fellow," he asserts stoutly, "but my children used to worry about me, so I quit to humor them."
White - bearded Darst will be 99 a week from today.
He retired from the railroad mail service in 1917, just a year after he bought his first car - a 1916 Maxwell.
"I always held more for horses and buggies," says Darst, "but my wife insisted that we get one of those new-fangled cars and then she was afraid to drive it. So I had to."
He figures he's driven in 48 states and says he's never had a serious accident. He confides:
"The trick is to keep in your own lane and mind your own business."
As for speed:
"I say 40 is fast enough for anybody, although I used to nudge it up to 50 sometimes, myself."

Wednesday 11 MAY 1960 - The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Walter Curtis Darst 1858-1931

Walter Curtis Darst (1858-1931), a younger half-brother to Elizabeth Catherine Darst (1846-1883) at the time of his death was survived by sisters Marion Curtis Darst (1860-1957) and half-sister Margaret (Darst) Murphy (1852-1937).
The Three Editors of Circleville
The consolidation of the three newspaper plants over at Circleville --- the Daily Herald, the Daily Union Herald and the Weekly Watchman, has placed into retirement three unique characters in Ohio Journalism --- Mr. Walter Darst, Mr. C. C. Chappelear and Mr. J. W. Johnson.
Of the first, Mr. Darst, there isn't another like him on earth. He had a system all his own and he believed in his writings of calling a spade a spade and a man by his right name. He has been in business for forty years and performed the work of two or three men, and maybe more. He would get up early and stay up late and seldom took a day off. He is entitled to a good long rest, and he told his successor after his retirement that he had been making arrangements for the last forty years to go fishin' but he could never find the time.
Let all of his catches be of the "Sunny" variety. That species is game and will furnish plenty of excitement and thrills, a tonic such as his body needs. It will bring back the smile that evaporated when he got well into the newspaper game --- when the press would break down and on a Saturday night when the pay roll amounted to a hundred dollars and he only had a five dollar bill in the cash drawer to liquidate the score.
He was a pioneer in the daily newspaper field of Circleville and when he counts up the cash he will find a good balance on the right side of the ledger. He has been a figure in the development of Circleville, and is entitled to all the glory of the halo of good as it plays around his manly brow.

Tuesday 29 NOV 1927 - The Lancaster Daily Eagle, Lancaster, Ohio

CIRCLEVILLE, O., Oct. 7 --- Walter C. Darst, 73, former well-known publisher of Circleville, died at Berger hospital here early today from complications after a serious illness of nine days.
A native of Pickaway co., Darst published the Circleville Herald from 1883 until 1927 when he retired.
Darst is survived by his wife and two sisters. Funeral arrangements were being made today.

Wednesday 7 OCT 1931 - The Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, Ohio

Friday, September 03, 2004

The Death of Lillie C. Darst

It would seem that the Republican press of this State is pronounced, una voce, in its endorsement of the candidacy of Miss Lillie Darst, editress of the Circleville Herald, for Engrossing Clerk of the Senate. To this very general expression of favor the MESSENGER would not offer an exception were it not to be feared that the personal charms of Miss Lille, while in the discharge of her official duties, would prove so engrossing as to divert the attention of bachelor Senators from due attention to their public duties.

Thursday 27 NOV 1878 - The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Death of Lillie C. Darst
Columbus, O., April 12. ---- Word is received here of the death of Miss Lillie C. Darst at Chicago. She had been engrossing clerk of the Senate, and proprietress of the Circleville Herald. About eight weeks ago she went to Chicago for medical treatment, having been suffering here for several months. She was a lady of considerable literary ability, and was well and favorably known among journalists as a credit to the profession and an honor to her sex, but poor health in general prevented her from continuous application. Aside from her duties as a journalist, she had, within the past few years, succeeded in making quite a reputation as a poetess, contributing largely to the leading publications of the country.

Thursday 12 APR 1883 - Newarl Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Elizabeth C. Darst

Miss Lillie C. Darst, who has been elected enrolling clerk of the Ohio Senate, is the first woman who has ever had any position of that sort in the state. Miss Darst is the bright, vivacious lady who for some years past has edited the Circleville Herald.
Monday, 19 JAN 1880 - The Marion Daily Star, Marion, Ohio
The Attorney General of this State has given an opinion that the act authorizing woman to be appointed as Notaries Public is unconstitutional for the reason that all officers of the state are required to be also electors. Upon this the anti-railroad people in various parts of the state assumed that all the acts of the late session of the legislature were unconstitutional because Miss Lillie Darst was the engrossing clerk of the House. The Attorney General has indicated that his opinion does not reach that case, as the clerks of the House are not officers within the meaning of the constitution, and refers to instances where such places were held by minors.
Thursday, 27 MAY 1880 - Cambridge Jeffersonian, Cambridge, Ohio

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Elizabeth Catherine Darst 1846-1883

Editress of the Circleville Herald, and a sketch of whose ancestry appears elsewhere, was born and educated in Circleville, being valedictorian of the high school, class of 1865. From that time until she assumed the editorial and financial charge of the Herald, Miss Darst was a constant contributor to the press of Circleville, and her poems, over the signature of "Kenneth," have been copied from their columns, and from the Standard of the Cross, The Modern Argo, and other papers into the leading literary journals of New York, Philadelphia, and cities of Canada. The Record of the Year, a magazine devoted to gathering the brightest articles from the newspapers to give them a permanent form, has included many of Miss Darst's productions in its pages.
As a journalist Miss Darst has endeavored to do her work thoroughly, to make a newspaper which should be interesting and reliable, and to ask no favors or concessions simply because it was the work of a lady. She was the special correspondent of, and not an infrequent writer of longer letters to, the Cincinnati Enquirer for a couple of years, and is at present employed by the Cincinnati Commercial. She has also been a contributor to the Columbus Herald, and other papers of the capital city. Editorial paragraphs from the Circleville Herald have been copied frequently by the press of the larger cities, and the financial plank of the Herald's platform --"there is no honest way to get a dollar but to earn one, and the dollar so earned should be so good a dollar that it buys a dollar's worth the world over" -- went the rounds of the New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati dailies.
Pages might be filled with the always cordial, but sometimes amusing, allusions of the editors of this State to the novel claimant for fraternal honors, but the some of them may be given in the appreciative words of the Springfield Republic: "If any one questions a woman's ability to run a newspaper, the answer is, Miss Lillie Darst."