Elizabeth (Garlinger) Darst 1800-1890, continued
Elizabeth (Garlinger ) Darst (1800-1890), the wife of Martin Darst (1796-1880), celebrated her 90th Birthday ...
Mrs. Elizabeth Darst Celebrates the
90th Anniversary of Her Birth
A social event of marked and most delightful interest took place yesterday at the residence of Capt. John Stasel, about one mile south-east of the city. The occasion was the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Elizabeth Darst, mother of Mrs. Stasel.
About 75 guests were present, who engaged in social pleasure, all taking a hand in something and striving to outdo each other in making matters pleasant. An elegant and sumptuous dinner was served, to which all present did full justice. Numerous handsome presents which had been brought by the children and grandchildren were presented in a neat speech by Rev. Siferd, on behalf of the donors, to aged lady.
Mrs. Darst is the mother of eight children, grandmother of thirty-six and great-grandmother of fifty-one children, a large majority of whom were present and enjoyed the festivities of the day.
Taking it altogether, the result was a most enjoyable time - one not soon to be forgotten by Mrs. Darst or those who were present. Although 90 years old, Mrs. Darst is still hale and hearty, and bids fair to reach the one hundreth mile stone of her life.
Friday 2 MAY 1890 - Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio
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