Friday, October 22, 2004

William Peter Darst 1797-1875

William Peter Darst Memoir
The following is a memoir dictated by William Peter Darst (1797-1875), recalling information about his parents, brothers and sisters, and how the family moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland, and then onto Ohio. It was copied out in 1900 by his great-niece, C. E. McNutt, from an original dictated to McNutt's sister, Mrs. S. K. Ream.
p. 1 W P Darst recollection of the Darst family Oct 1868
My Grandfathers Paul Darst and _____ Schleigh were born in Germany and came to this country in their early manhood, and settled near Reading Penn. My grandfather Darst bought a farm 3 miles south east of Reading Pa on the road to Philadelphia, and was able to give each of his children farms when they married.
My father was a widower with three children when he married my mother - near Reading, Pa, and after the birth of one child (Catherine Clem) he left Pa and
p. 2 moved to Maryland - bought and settled on a farm three miles east of Frederick, Md where all his subsequent children were born. Father died Sept. 2nd 1802. The same year brother Joseph was born. In the fall of 1806 & a few weeks after the marriage of Henry to Catherine Richter, Mother with her children left Md for Ohio intending to settle at Dayton O. but when we got to or as far as Lancaster O. the weather and roads became so unfavorable - the family concluded to winter there, and go on in the Spring following. Soon after we halted Bro Henry bought a farm near the town on which the family spent.
p. 3 the winter. When Spring came we had concluded to go no farther west. Another farm was bought near Royalton for Mother where she and the small children lived. Bro's Henry, Jacob, Osaac & George moved to town (Lancaster) where they opened a store and tavern. Mother in two or three years after buying her farm married John Huber Sr. - who had a large family of sons and one married daughter. Myself, Rebecca and Joseph soon left Mother. We did not like her husbands family. Brother Henry took us and became a father to us - treating us at all times with great kindness. - His wife ("Sister Katy" as we always called her) - also was very kind to us.
p. 4 While we lived in Lancaster Isaac married Frances Brumback a native of Virginia - a quiet, modest, amiable Christian lady beloved by all who knew her - myself included. She lived something less than one year after their marriage, and on her death bed gave evidence of her acceptance by the Savior. She was buried in the cemetery at Lancaster by the side of sister Mary. I frequently visited their graves while I lived in Lancaster from 1858 to 1864. In the spring of 1815 my Brothers sold their farm and town property at Lancaster and bought the Babb farm at Somerset Perry Co Ohio and opened a tavern at the farm.
p. 5 and a store in Somerset. I lived in Circleville and kept a dry goods store - Bradshaw & Turney - Dr Dan Turney - physician. In the spring of 1816 at the request of my brothers I left Circleville and went east with brother Isaac to buy a stock of goods for the Somerset store. In May 1819 I married Elizabeth Beckwith daughter of David Beckwith - then deceased) - who had been associate judge of the common pleas Court, and merchant of Somerset. My wife died June 6th 1820 - leaving an infant, "Maria
p. 6 Catherine" - who died 1824. On the 2nd of Sep 1830 and while living in Somerset I was Clerk of Court Common & Supreme Court. I was married to Christian Renick daught of Thomas Renick - associate Judge of Pickaway County on Darby Creek.
In 1832 I resigned the Clerkship in Perry Co and removed to Circleville and entered into partnership with brother Isaac in a store. My wife Christian Renick died Oct 12th 1858 we having lived together a little over 28 years in peace and happiness, and when she died gave evidence her acceptance by the Savior. I must now give the names of my Fathers family
p. 7 in the order of their ages - viz: Abraham John & Hannah of the of his first marriage. Catharine, Henry, Jacob, Isaac, George, Mary, William Peter, Rebecca, and Joseph by his marriage with my mother, whose maiden name was Ann Maria Schligh.
Abraham never married. John married and lived and died in Maryland leaving no children. Hannah married my mothers brother Jacob Schligh or Schley. Only two of the family now living, John & Hannah both at Amanda Ohio. Brother Henry has a large family seven of whom are now living. Jacob left a family - 5 living. George left
p. 8 one son - now living in Circleville. Mary left one son - John Huber in Opwa. I know nothing about my Grandfather Schley. "not
and here the history stopped with the word "not" -
This is copied word for word from what "Uncle William dictated to my sister - Mrs S K Ream.
"William P Darst born August 4th 1797 In March 1854 he returned to Somerset.