Friday, September 03, 2004

The Death of Lillie C. Darst

It would seem that the Republican press of this State is pronounced, una voce, in its endorsement of the candidacy of Miss Lillie Darst, editress of the Circleville Herald, for Engrossing Clerk of the Senate. To this very general expression of favor the MESSENGER would not offer an exception were it not to be feared that the personal charms of Miss Lille, while in the discharge of her official duties, would prove so engrossing as to divert the attention of bachelor Senators from due attention to their public duties.

Thursday 27 NOV 1878 - The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio

Death of Lillie C. Darst
Columbus, O., April 12. ---- Word is received here of the death of Miss Lillie C. Darst at Chicago. She had been engrossing clerk of the Senate, and proprietress of the Circleville Herald. About eight weeks ago she went to Chicago for medical treatment, having been suffering here for several months. She was a lady of considerable literary ability, and was well and favorably known among journalists as a credit to the profession and an honor to her sex, but poor health in general prevented her from continuous application. Aside from her duties as a journalist, she had, within the past few years, succeeded in making quite a reputation as a poetess, contributing largely to the leading publications of the country.

Thursday 12 APR 1883 - Newarl Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio