Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Edward Davis Darst 1868-1951

For Many Years Had Been An
Artist in New York
Edward Davis Darst, 83, who for a number of years, was associated with his sister and brother in New York City, as an artist and designer of stained glass windows and mosaics, died in the Doylestown Emergency Hospital, here, yesterday.
For the past twenty years he had resided at his home, 363 North Main street, Doylestown, with his sister, Marion C. Darst. C. Brower Darst, a brother who was associated with the deceased, died some years ago. Their work was mostly in oils and included many scenes in the White Mountains and New Hampshire in general.
Mr. Darst was born in Circleville, Ohio, son of Jacob and Anna Brower Darst. He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Doylestown.
The survivors include the sister Marion C. Darst, Doylestown, and a nephew, Brower Murphy, of Atlanta, Ga.
Thursday, 26 APR 1951 - Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Monday, August 30, 2004

Marion Curtis Darst, Noted Artist Is Dead

Is Dead
Miss Marion Curtis Darst, 96-year-old Doylestown artist, died Wednesday night at the Doylestown Emergency Hospital.
Miss Darst, one of Bucks county's oldest and best known artists, sustained a stroke a few days before death. She was born Oct 11, 1860, at Circleville, Ohio. She came to Doylestown in 1904.
She was the daughter of Jacob and Anna Brower Darst. Funeral services were held today at 2:30 p.m. in St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Doylestown. Burial was made in the Doylestown Cemetery.
A nephew, Brower Murphy of North Carolina, is the sole surviving relative.
Miss Darst resided at 363 N. Main st., Doylestown, which is landmark along the thoroughfare because it is an old stone house and was painted black.
Miss Darst is represented in the Bucks County Courthouse judges' gallery with a portrait of judge Harman Y. Yerkes.
The Artist, who was interested in religious art, and her brother, C. Brower Darst, shared a studio on Barrow st., in Greenwich Village, New York, years ago. Her sister, Lilly, was the first woman editor and woman publisher in Ohio.
Miss Darst was one of the four oldest women in Doylestown, The oldest is Mrs. Howard Atkinson, E. State st., who is over 100; Mrs. Louis Buckman, who is 99, and Mrs. Lydia Price, who will be 98 next month.
A devout Episcopalian Miss Darst was also a member of the Nature Club and other Doylestown organizations. In 1949 Miss Darst fell and broke her hip.
Another of her portraits is that of the late General W.W.H. Davis, Doylestown publisher, author and soldier, which is hanging in the Bucks County Historical Society Museum.
Miss Darst, who never married, was beloved by everyone who knew her for her wit, humor, gentleness and love of beauty, including many portraits of still life of flowers.
She was graduated from an art school in Columbus, Ohio; studied in New York, taught in a private school in Georgia and in a church school in Springfield, Ill.
Friday, 29 MAR 1957 - Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Marion Curtis Darst, Nonagenarian

Nonagenarian Celebrates Birthday

Miss Marion Darst, of 363 N. Main st., Doylestown, observed her 92nd birthday at home last Saturday.


Miss Marion Darst, Artist,
Celebrates 92nd Birthday

Miss Marion Darst, who has lived at 363 North Main street here since 1904, celebrated her 92nd birthday on Saturday and with a remarkably keen sense of humor much in evidence. She told friends yesterday that she never realized she might be old until recently. She stays up until twelve or one o'clock at night and then sleeps late in the morning. Like so many people, she said, "I always tell myself that I will go to bed early and then something always happens." When asked what she did until so late, she replied that she read and wrote. Right now she is reading a huge volume of the life of Christ. "I had gotten it out to give to a young man who was preparing for the ministry and then decided to read it for the second time, just in case," she explained.

People have often asked her why she never married and she has two reasons, One is, and this she said with a twinkle in her eye. "I never wanted to keep house again." She had to keep house for eight of her brothers and sisters in Circleville, Ohio, when she was 16. The other reason she didn't marry was that she was devoted to art and didn't think that a person should have a split interest.

Although Miss Darst did many portraits of members of her family, like her grandfather's portrait in the living room and her Uncle Davis Darst's portrait, she was more interested in religious art. She and her brother, C. Brower Darst collaborated on large projects in New York where they shared the Darst Studio at 78 Barrow st. She exhibited a preliminary water color for a venetian mosaic work "The Beatific Vision" which is a mosaic behind the altar of the Church of the Epiphany in west Chicago. The mosaic consists of imported stones laid in cement at the front of the church.

As we were talking, Miss Darst opened the door for some women who were interested in antiques. When they were finished looking, she took them into the living room to show them a high chest she plans to send her nephew. She bent over and pulled out heavy drawers which none of us could budge.

Humility is evident in Miss Darst. She will talk about herself but prefers to talk about her friends who have done mush for humanity. Her sister, Lilly, was the first woman to own and edit a newspaper. After Miss Darst graduated from an art school in Columbus, Ohio, she taught art in a private school in Georgia. Here she met Martha Berry and told about the reception President McKinley give for Martha because she was the first woman to do welfare work in the south.

"I have had a wonderful life and so many wonderful friends. I can hardly keep up with all the new inventions and wonder what will happen next," she said. With subtle humor she said she supposed people would next be walking on air.

Tuesday, 14 OCT 1952 - The Doylestown Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Miss Marion Darst

Miss Marion Darst Has Loved
Every Minute Of Her 96 Years
"I'm getting pretty close to 100 now, and I've loved every minute of it," Miss Marion Curtis Darst, of 363 N. Main st., Doylestown, said yesterday on her 96th birthday, and she did look amazingly spry and pretty and happy.
She uses two canes to walk, but considering she was suffering with a broken leg just before her 90th birthday, she is doing all right for herself.
As she settled herself in front of the portrait of "Uncle Davis Brower" which she painted herself, she recalled her early days when she went to art school and studied under well known artists in New York.
Originally from Circleville, Ohio, Miss Darst studied and had a studio with her brother in New York.
"I loved New York," she said, "I did a good deal of portrait work, mostly of my girl friends."
She didn't mention the portraits of Judge Harman Yerkes and General W. W. H. Davis, Bucks county historian, the first hanging in the judges' chambers in Court Room No. 1, Doylestown, the other in the historical building.
She did greet "Uncle Davis," only portrait left in the house which is her work of art. He helped found the First Baptist Church of Doylestown and his portrait will one day be given the church.
With eyesight still keen enough to read, Miss Darst likes the National Geographic Magazine and other current magazines. She dabbles in painting, too, once in a while. Less than two years ago People from Maryland came to show her one of her paintings they had purchased at a sale. It needed retouching, so they had a commercial artist do the touchup job. The still life of flowers did not quite satisfy the soul of the artist, so Miss Darst did it herself. Not bad for a noagenarian.
Miss Darst had a number of gifts to make her 96th birthday especially happy, There was a big bouquet of pretty red gladioll from Mrs. Leroy Kister, a basket of fruit from the Friendship Thimble Social, and gifts from the Lewis Graham family who live in the same house. Mrs. Graham said that the Thimble Social remembers Miss Darst every birthday without fail.
A birthday cake, which couldn't possibly hold 96 candels stood on a chest by the door. It was trimmed with red roses and the usual "Happy Birthday."
"All my paintings are gone now," the artist confessed, "I sent them to relatives. I guess I won't live too much longer - I might make 100, though, and then you can come and take another picture."
She thinks more people are interested in art now, but fewer young people are going in for serious study.
"I never worked so much for money as for the pleasure I got from it," she said. "I didn't like too steady work."
Nonetheless, she has quite a few pictures to her credit. even though only Uncle Davis lives with her.
Miss Darst's grandfather was Christian Brower, who owned the Fountain House in its early days. so even before 1904, when she came here to live, Miss Darst was familiar with Doylestown. She loved it then, and stayed on, and as of yesterday. she still loves it, second only perhaps to New York.
13 OCT 1956 - Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Friday, August 27, 2004

Marion Curtis Darst 1860-1957

Marion Curtis Darst, the granddaughter of Johann Jacob Darst (1787-1856); great-granddaughter of Henry Derst (1747-1802) and great-great granddaughter of our immigrant Johann Paul Derst (1713-1775) took up residence in her later life at Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania... not far from her great-great grandfather's homestead which was at Exeter TWP., Berks (Bucks) County, Pennsylvania - near Reading.
Bucks Artist
Miss Marion Darst
Marks 95th Birthday
Miss Marion Curtis Darst, one of Bucks county's oldest and best known artists, celebrated her 95th birthday anniversary yesterday at her ancestral home, 363 N. Main st,. Doylestown.
Miss Darst, who came to Doylestown in 1904, was guest of honor at a tea given by the women's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in the church school rooms. There were flowers, a birthday cake, gifts and congratulatory messages.
In 1949 Miss Darst broke her hip and was confined to her bed and a wheelchair until it mended.
Miss Darst, who is able to walk now with the aid of a cane, is still able to read, likes to talk to people and is interested in art, her friends and Doylestown.
She studied art in New York and in Greenwich Village long before in Greenwich Village and two of her paintings are hanging in Doylestown. One of General W. H. H. Davis is in the Bucks County Historical Society Museum and another of Judge Harman Yerkes is in the judges' gallery in Courtroom No. 1 in the Courthouse.
A native of Circleville, Ohio, Miss Darst's brother, C. Brower Darst and she formed an interesting brother-sister artists' team.
13 OCT 1955 - Daily Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Thursday, August 26, 2004

James Perrine Darst 1845-1932

James Perrine Darst, the son of John Darst (1818-1895) of Eureka, Illinois; the grandson of Jacob Darst (1785-1852) of Beavercreek TWP., Greene CO., Ohio; the great-grandson of Samuel Derst (1754-1791) and great-great-grandson of Abraham Derst (1725-1772), our Pfeddersheim, Germany immigrant was witness to the tragic death of young Hazel Towne ...
Further Particulars Of the Sad Accident at Peoria on Monday Afternoon
Mention was made in the Herald-Dispatch yesterday morning of the accident which befel Little Hazel Towne of Harristown while visiting at Peoria. The Transcript gives the particulars of the accident as follows:
"Little Hazel Towne, aged 7 years, met a horrible fate yesterday, dying as the result of a severe burning received at the residence of James P. Darst, 121 Moss avenue.
She had gone with her mother to spend the day with the family of Mr. Darst, With her mother and older sister she had come a week ago from their home in Harristown, eight miles from Decatur, to visit the family of Rev, P. McKnight, pastor of the Central Christian church. While she and her sister were playing in the alley with the Darst children and other children of the neighborhood they got hold of some matches. Here dress caught fire from a burning match and she ran out into the street screaming, her clothes aflame. The other children had just gone into a neighboring yard, leaving her alone for an instant, and her cries attracted the attention of her mother, Mrs. Darst and others, who hurried to her assistance. The flames were extinguished as quickly as possible and Dr. R. W. Baker and F. C. Boarscheidt were summoned at once.
"The little one was carried into the house and the physicians found that her body from the waist up and her arms were frightfully burned. Everything possible was done to relieve her suffering but the shock and the injury were too severe and she died at 10:50 last night in a spasm. The accident occured at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
"The mother was almost distracted and the accident was a terrible shock to her friends and to all others who knew of it. The little one was an unusually bright sweet child and her horrible fate is greatly to be deplored. It has been only a few months since the funeral of Charles O. Clarke's little daughter who met exactly the same fate, was held at the Clarke residence on the same avenue.
"The body of the child remains at the residence of Mr. Darst. Mr. Towne was notified soon after the accident but the funeral arrangements have not been made."
Saturday, 16 JUL 1898 - Herald Dispatch, Decatur, Illinois

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Wendall Fletcher Dirst 1893-1950

Wendall Fletcher Dirst, the son of Charles Fletcher Dirst (1865-1926); the grandson of Fletcher Dirst (1835-1907); the great-grandson of John Dirst (1808-1888) who himself was the great-grandson of John Paul Derst (1713-1775), took his life tragically...
Note Explains Cashier's Act
Morris, Ill., (AP) ---- A smalltown bank cashier who killed himself 10 days ago and whose accounts later were discovered to be short $186,000 preferred death to a prison sentence.
The choice by the bank cashier, Wendell Dirst, 57, and the disclosure that he "lost most of the money at the tracks," were revealed in a note read at an inquest into his death Friday.
Dirst, cashier of the Farmers First National bank of nearby Minooka, killed himself with a shotgun on July 27 while alone in the bank. Four days later the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation in Washington said it had been advised of a shortage of approximately $186,000 at the bank.
The note left by Dirst to his wife, Jane, was read to a coroner's jury by Coroner W. Clark Davis. Dirst said he believed his family "would just as soon see me in the cemetery as the prison. It must be one or the other."
Dirst, who was one of the leading citizens of Minooka, a community of about 500 in Northeastern Illinois, disclosed in his note of placing horse rack bets with Chicago handbook operators.
"They were going to make a lot of money for me," the note said, "and I lost $25,000 there in the last three weeks, or rather they took it away from me.
"I have always gambled and for a long time made money, but this is the way it is ending."
The jury ruled "financial worries" led Dirst to kill himself.
Saturday, 5 AUG 1950 - Union Bulletin, Walla Walla, Washington

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Death of Jacob Cecil Darst

WAVERLY ---- Authorities today planned to question Herbert Lawson of Waverly, in the death of his brother-in-law Jacob Darst, 54, who died from injuries received in altercation at the Darst home. Pike county officials said the fight followed a threat by Darst to drive his family from the home. Lawson fled after the fight, but later was arrested.
Monday, 26 JUN 1933 - The Newark Advocate & American Tribune, Newark, Ohio
WAVERLY, O., June 29 ---- (AP) ---- Prosecutor Jacob E. Davis today called a special session of the Pike-co grand jury Friday to investigate two murders, within 24 hours last week.
Meantime, Herbert Lawson, 32, was loged in jail, charged with second degree murder in the death of his brother-in-law, Jacob Darst, 54.
Authorities say Darst was kicked to death. His neck was broken.
Leonard Salyers, 30, was jailed at the same time on a charge of first degree murder in the fatal shooting of Thomas Baugess, young farmer.
Thursday, 29 JUN 1933 - The Lima News, Lima, Ohio
Piketon, Ohio, July 3. (INS). ---- Herbert Lawson, Pike county resident, today was sentenced to a one to twenty year term in Ohio Penitentiary after entering a plea of guilty to a manslaughter charge in connection with the death of his brother-in-law, Jacob Darst.
Monday, 3 JUL 1933 - Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio

Monday, August 23, 2004

Jacob Cecil Darst 1879-1933

Jacob Cecil Darst, the son of Charles Darst (1827-1917); grandson of Joseph Darst (1792-1869); great-grandson of Abraham Darst (1745-1822) and great-great grandson of our immigrant Abraham Derst (1725-1772) of Pfeddersheim, Germany died tragically at the hand of his brother-in-law Herbert Lawson. His death was reported by several Ohio newspapers including the following:
Waverly, O., June 26. ---- An argument over a card game was believed today to have resulted in the slaying of Jacob Darst, 53, tennant of the farm of George Nye, one mile west of here.
Darst, his wife, his wife's brother, Herbert Lawson, 35, and Frank Reed, 30, were playing cards, when Mrs. Darst said she was tired and was going to bed. Darst, said to have been drinking, purportedly knocked his wife down and her brother, Lawson, struck Darst.
A neighbor, hearing the noise, sent Darst to the hospital at Chillicothe, where he died.
Lawson, after telling neighbors he was going to surrender, disappeared, but was found by Sheriff John Parker on Long Fork Creek, near Jasper, O.
Charges of manslaughter were expected to be filed today.
Monday, 26 JUN 1933 - Chronicle Telegram, Elyria, Ohio

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Rilla Joan (Darst) Farris 1930-1975

Services for Mrs. A. M. (Rilla J.) Farris, 44, of 81 E. 16th, were held at 3:30 p.m. today in Johnson's Funeral Home with the Rev. Harold Odum of First Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in Fairmount Cemetery.
Mrs. Farris died at 3:45 a.m. Thursday in Shannon Hospital.
She was born Oct. 4, 1930 in Del Rio and had lived in San Angelo since 1942 and was married to Andis M. Farris March 13, 1954 in San Angelo, she was a Presbyterian.
Survivors include two sons, Norman Andis Farris and Sterling Huyler Farris, both of Temple; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Darst of San Angelo; and a brother Garet Darst of Corpus Christi.
Pallbearers will be O. L. Schuch, Hunter Strain, E. H. Pinson, Winfred Bristow, Nelson St. Clair and Howard Young, all of San Angelo.
Friday Evening, 21 FEB 1975 - San Angelo Times

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Sammie Maxine (Garrett) Darst 1911-1988

Sammie Maxine Garrett Darst, 79, of 81 E. 16th St., died at 8:50 p.m. Monday at Park Plaza Nursing Home.
Gravside services will be at 11 a.m. today at Fairmount Cemetery with the Rev. Robert Hedges of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. Johnson's Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
She was born Aug. 4, 1908, in El Paso. She had lived in San Angelo since 1940 and was a housewife and an Epicopalian.
She married Norman Sterling Darst in 1940 in Del Rio. He preceded her in death Dec. 17, 1987. She was also preceded in death by one son, Norman Sterling Darst II; one daughter, Rita Joan Farris, and two brothers.
Survivors include one son, Garet Evan Darst of Victoria; nine grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; her stepmother, Ione Garrett of Rockport; three sisters, Patricia Welch of Missouri, Sandra Garrett and Georgeann Smith, both of England; and one brother, George Russell Garrett of Ingram.
Wednesday, 27 JAN 1988 - San Angelo Standard-Times

Friday, August 20, 2004

Kaleta Agnes Darst 1907-1990

Kaleta Agnes Darst, 83, died at 1:55 p.m. Sunday at Park Plaza Nursing Home.
Services will be at 2 P.M. Tuesday at Johnson's Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Bob Hedges officiating. Burial will be in Fairmount Cemetery.
She was born Feb. 16, 1907, in New Mexico. She was a member of the Epicopalian church.
Survivors include three cousins, Geneva Merrick and Leonard Wilson, both of San Angelo, and Carolyn Johnson of Hobbs, N.M.; one nephew, Garet Darst; and two grand-nephews, Andis Farris of Belton and Sterling Hyler Farris of Norfolk, Va.
Monday, 23 July 1990 - San Angelo Standard-Times

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Trip to San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas

On Wednesday, 18 AUG 2004, I visited San Angelo, Texas and spent an hour at the San Angelo Central Library. While there I researched the David Darst family ... David (1880-1950) being the great-grandson of Jacob Calloway Darst 1793-1836 (my 1st Cousin 5 generations removed) who died at "The Alamo". In researching microfilm records of the San Angelo Standard-Times I was able to secure several family obituaries... one of which follows:
Norman Sterling Darst, 75, of 81 E. 16th St. died at 10:11 a.m. Thursday in Shannon Medical Center.
Gravside services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Fairmount Cemetery, with the Rev. Robert B. Hedges of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd officiating. Johnson's Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Darst was born April 9, 1912, in Mertzon. He had been a resident of San Angelo for 50 years and was retired former owner of Concho Valley Pecan Co. He was married to Maxine Garrett in 1940 in Del Rio. He was a member of the Episcopal church.
Darst was preceded in death by one son, Norman Sterling Darst II, and one daughter, Rilla Joan Farris.
Survivors include his wife, Maxine of San Angelo; one son, Garet Evan Darst of Victoria; one sister, Kaleta Agnes Darst of San Angelo; nine grandchildren; 10 great-graandchildren; and a number of cousins.
The family requests memorials to the American Cancer Society, The Heart Association or the Diabetic Foundation.
Saturday, 19 DEC 1987 San Angelo - Standard-Times

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Emma Rue Darst 1866-1953

Emma's photo has been posted at The Darst Family Archive and copies will be made available in the near future.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Henry Patterson Clay Darst 1830-1914

Henry's photo has been posted at The Darst Family Archive and copies will be made available in the near future.

Monday, August 16, 2004

Dallice (Francis) Darst 1894-1995

Dallice F. Darst
Dallice F. Darst, 100, died at 3 p.m. Thursday at Tipton Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. Born Jan 28, 1894, in Hobbs, she was the daughter of Scott and Mary Whistler Francis. She was married to Paul Darst. He preceded her in death in 1937.
She earned her bachelor's degree at Ball State University and her master's degree at Butler University. She started teaching in one-room schools in Tipton County. She was educator-teacher and principal in Tipton Community Schools and director of elementary education at Lincoln school and Third Ward school. She retired in 1969.
She was a member of West Street Christian Church, Delta Kappa Gamma, Sigma Delta Pi, Order of the Eastern Star and Phi Beta Psi Sorority.
Four sisters, Mollie Ferguson, twin Ollie Francis, Esther Hines and Bonnie Francis, and two brothers, Claude Francis and Jack H. Francis, preceded her in death.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Young-Nichols Funeral Home with the Rev. Mark Anderson officiating. Burial will be in Elwood City Cemetery.
Friends may call from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Friday, 20 JAN 1995 - Tipton Daily Tribune, page 2

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Paul Harrison Darst 1890-1937


Paul H. Darst, Former Resident, Died at South Bend Saturday.

Word was received here shortly after noon Saturday that Paul H. Darst had succumbed at the Epworth hospital in South Bend where he had been under treatment for nephritus for the past several days. Death occured at noon Saturday. Miss Lela Good, who went to South Bend Friday, telephoned the sad news to Mrs. Floyd Webb.
Paul H. Darst, who resided in Tipton for a number of years and who was formally engaged in business in this city, was born in Lamar, Mo., September 16, 1890, his parents John H. Darst and Nancy Alice (Smith) Darst, both being deceased. When a young man he came to Tipton and for a number of years was employed by George Shortle in mercantile establishments, later engaging in business with C. D. Weaver, they opening the Golden Rule Store in Tipton which they operated for several years.
While in Tipton he was united in marriage to Miss Dallice Francis, a teacher in the Tipton schools, the ceremony taking place June 12, 1926, with Rev. O. T. Martin, a former pastor of the Kemp Memorial Methodist church, officiating.
For several years following their marriage they resided in South Bend where they were often visited by friends from this county and they visited here frequently, so that his connection with Tipton has remained unbroken.
Paul H. Darst was a likeable man who had many friends here. He was a member of the Methodist church and while here was a member of the Kemp Memorial church choir. He was also a member of A...ln lodge No. 128, Free & Accepted Masons.
Surviving besides the widow are a number of distant relatives.
Funeral services will be held at the Forrest Hay funeral home, 1201 South Michigan street in South Bend at 2:00 o'clock (our time) Monday afternoon.
Following services the body will be taken to Dayton, O., for burial. The body will lie in state at the funeral home until the hour of services and friends may call at any time.
Saturday, 5 JUN 1937 - Tipton Daily Tribune, page 1

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Nancy Alice (Smith) Darst 1856-1918

Mother of Well Known Man Passed Away This Morning.
Mrs. Nannie Darst died Saturday morning at her home with her sister, Mrs. George M. Shortle, on North Main street after an illness lasting several weeks, and the news of her death came as a shock to her friends who had not known her illness had become so serious.
Mrs. Darst was born in Belmont county, Ohio, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, her father being a brother of the late John D. Smith of west of Tipton.
She was united in marriage to John Darst in 1886, the husband dying about twenty years ago, at Republic, Mo., where they resided at that time. Two sons were born to them, one Paul Darst of the firm of Weaver-Darst of this city, surviving her. The other son, died about the same time as his father being about ten years old.
She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Shortle of this city, Mrs. Gregg of Atlanta and Mrs. McCleary of Iowa.
She was a member of the M. E. church from girlhood, and was a faithful member in attendance when her health and strength permitted.
Mrs. Darst and son came to Tipton about six years ago and had since made her home here with her son and sister, and had made many friends, who had learned to know and love her, she being a woman of high attainments and admirable character. The funeral will take place Tuesday at 2 o'clock at Bellbrook, Ohio, the funeral party leaving Tipton, Monday at 12:27.
There will be short services at Mrs. Shortle's home Sunday afternoon at 2:30, Rev. Kendall, officiating.
Saturday, 8 JUN 1918 - Tipton Daily Tribune, page 1

Friday, August 13, 2004

Jacob Darst Family, Beavercreek, Ohio

In response to requests for information and photos of descendents of Jacob Darst (1785-1852), I would like to thank Beau Cunnynham, Reference Librarian of the Tipton County, Indiana Public Library for obituary information on Paul Harrison Darst (1890-1937), his wife Dallice Francis Darst (1894-1995), Paul's Father John H. Darst (1858-1898) and his mother Nancy Alice Smith Darst (1856-1918). Additonally, I would like to thank Judy Price of Delaware, Ohio for her photos of Henry Patterson Clay Darst (1830-1914, son of Jacob Darst) and his daughter Emma Rue Darst (1866-1953).

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Jacob Darst, Peoria Capitalist

Jacob Darst (1815-1891) brother to David Darst, whose tragic story was posted yesterday, was a prominent citizen of Peoria, Illinois. His early business partner Aquilla Wren and wife Clarissa Jones Wren (cousin to Jacob) were embroiled in a landmark Illinois divorce case which included representation by Abraham Lincoln.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The Death and Internment of David Darst

On 8 SEP 1881 in the Indiana, Pennsylvania Indiana Progress, was republished a sketch of "A Murder Most Foul". Originally published in the La Crosse, Wisconsin Democrat in 1852 was the following account of the murder of David Darst.


The Following sketch is from the pen of "Brick" Pomeroy, and was originally published in the La Crosse Democrat. It is so interesting, and so aptly illustrates life in early times that I take the liberty of using it here:-

"It has been humorously claimed for the average frontier town, as a point in favor of its climate conditions, that it was necessary to shoot a man for the purpose of starting a grave-yard. While this may be true of La Crosse, a ramble among the tomb-stones and monuments of Oak Grove Cemetery will discover the fact that it was unnecessary to resort to such an extreme measure as an inagural, its identity was more clearly established by being the burial place of a murdered man.

"In the spring of 1852, a man named David Darst, came to La Crosse from Illinois, bringing with him in his employ, William Watts. Mr. Darst was a man of means, and his object in leaving civilization for the hardships of the frontier is unknown. However, he located on a piece of land in Mormon Cooley, and engaged in farming.

"On the 5th of June, 1852, six or seven weeks after his settlement in the Cooley, his body was found in the bushes by a man by the name of Merryman, stripped of every rag of clothing and tied to a pole which the murderer had used to carry the body from the shanty in which they lived. Merryman was attracted to the spot by the barking of his little dog. He came into town and reported what he had found, and a number of citizens volunteered to go to the Cooley to investigate the matter and try and arrest the murderer, if he could be found. Several parties were arrested but all proved their innocence to the crowd and were released. On returning to town the man Watts was found with Darst's clothes on his back - even to his shirt and underwear. He had all his household goods, money, two yoke of cattle and everything the man had. He was arrested and, there being no jail, he was given over to the keeping of a Mr. McShodden, who kept him in his cellar, chained to a post. He evidently belonged to a gang of outlaws, as evidenced from letters received at the post-office for him both before and after his arrest.

"One evening he escaped. The whole plantation turned out to hunt him; boats scoured the river bank in all directions; men on horseback and armed searched the prairie. But they could find no trace of him. Parties of boys were also looking for him. About midnight he was found by the noise of a file he was using to get rid of his chains, by a party of these small boys and taken into custody. He afterward was furnished by his friends with a file and some iron-colored-paste. This was used in his "prison" and escaped a second time, and was not found for a long time. He was discovered as a hostler at the Ridge Tavern by a man who had been sent for the mail. The mail-carrier, without appearing to notice him at the time, on his arrival home reported him to the Sherriff, who immediately went out and secured him. A one-story stone jail had been erected by subscription after his first escape. He was incarcerated in this and made his exit through the roof of this institution. A new and stronger roof was put on the building, and a large quantity of stone put loose over the ceiling in such a manner that if he tried again it would fall on him and crush him.

"Watts confessed his crime. He said that as Darst was lighting the fire on the morning of the murder, he struck him on the head with an axe. He had no other reason for the deed than that of securing the money and property of the victim. - At the funeral of Darst, which occured the Sunday following the discovery of his body, the services were held in a small building on State street, with the murdered man in his coffin and the murderer in chains standing at the head. It was understood very generally, that as the funeral procession left for the cemetery, Watts was to be lynched. The REV. S.C. Sherwin conducted the services, and although more than one rope was in the hands of the party, such was his influence over the populace that he prevailed upon them to let law and order take their course.

"A few years afterward a party of gentlemen were attracted to the spot where Merryman's dog had discovered to him the body of Darst by the same animal, and there they found the body of Merryman himself in the icy embrace of death."

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The Murder of David Darst

In my research of the Jacob Darst (1785-1836) Family of Scipio TWP, Meigs County, Ohio I came across an article on one of Jacob's sons David Darst (1824-1852). After father Jacob's (my GGGG Uncle) death at Clinton TWP., Jackson County, Ohio in 1836 the family moved west to Illinois. As of 13 AUG 1850, David was residing with older brother Jacob Darst Jr. (1815-1891) at Peoria. In the spring of 1852 David Darst left Peoria, Illinois for La Crosse, Wisconsin after a brief stop at Galena, Jo Davies County where older brother Anson Darst (1811- Bef 1860) was residing. The tragic conclusion to his journey will be posted tomorrow.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Derst Family Postings

This family weblog has been created to allow for daily postings of family research. The intent of these postings are to bring to light family origins, family tradition, family truths and family tragedy... all that is Darst, Derst, Dirst, Durst, Dust, and many more allied families.